Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup
Visually appealing? Perhaps not so much, but this soup we adapted from Elise’s Simply Recipes was simply delicious. The roasted vegetables give the soup a nice depth, and we always heart kale! Lisa’s dad had never tried kale before, so this was a good introduction to this superfood. [donotprint] Lisa says: Yum! This smells really […]
Eggplant-Potato Moussaka with Pine Nut Cream
One thing we’re finding out about the recipes in Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook is that a lot of them aren’t exactly weeknight-friendly. Some of them are very involved and one would be wise to steer clear if a quick dinner is the goal. This recipe definitely falls into the “takes a while” category, but […]
Roasted Vegetables with Chickpeas and Couscous
Vegetarian Week continues here at We [Heart] Food, with this recipe (okay, it uses chicken stock, but you could replace with vegetable stock) from Fitness Food. Nothing too fancy here, just a huge plate of roasted vegetables over a bed of couscous and chickpeas. [donotprint] Lisa says: Waaahoooo! Chris says: I know, this is like […]
Roasted Garlic and Winter Squash Soup with Spicy Tomato Salsa
We returned from our weekend outing not having gone through all of our CSA veggies, so this recipe from the Ultimate Soup Bible turned out to be a great way to use up our tomatoes, our heads of garlic, and the rest of our squash. The spiciness of the salsa gives contrast to the sweetness […]
Quinoa with Corn, Kale, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes… and more…
Lisa spotted this everything-but-the-kitchen-sink quinoa recipe over at 101 Cookbooks, where it’s titled “Heather’s Quinoa”. We’re glad that Heidi decided to post this mish-mash, we both really enjoyed all the different tastes and textures. We had a small block of Gruyere left in the fridge, so we also invited that little guy to the party. […]