Moqueca de piexe (Brazilian Seafood Stew)
This is the second version of Moqueca we’ve attempted, and it couldn’t be more different than the first. In this version, as featured in Healthy Latin Cooking, you puree the stock, onions, peppers, and tomatoes, which creates a thick broth to which you add the fish (in our case, mahi mahi) and shrimp. It worked […]
Catfish Creole Stew
Thad and Abbie came over tonight to be a part of Lisa’s first experience with catfish. This recipe comes from Great Bowls of Fire, which we’ve (sadly) been neglecting for a while, but now that we’re into the cooler weather I’m sure that spicy stews and hotpots are going to make a more regular appearance. […]
Swordfish with Roasted Fruit and Chile Sauce
We like to try out new recipes when we have friends over, and we were in the mood for fish, so we tried out this recipe from Healthy Latin Cooking. In spite of the late hour (or maybe because of it?) 😉 the dish got quite a few compliments. The sauce had many distinct flavors […]
Guilt-Free Fish & Chips
Who knew you could make “healthy” fish and chips? Other than some cooking spray, there’s no oil at all in this recipe from Fitness Food. We made this with “true cod” from Whole Foods, though any firm white fish would work well in this recipe. We also had different potatoes than listed below, but other […]
Ahi Burgers & Grilled Stuffed Portobellos
We were short on time to prepare dinner tonight, so we had Ahi Tuna Burgers from Whole Foods, and found a good onion salsa recipe to garnish it (along with some wasabi mayo!), and a grilled portobello recipe as a side. We also grilled some bell peppers, green onions, and tomato. We heart grilled veggies. […]