Category: Indian

  • Kashmiri-Style Kidney Beans with Parsnips

    I found this recipe on AllRecipes while looking for a way to use the parsnips in our CSA box. The original features turnips, but I thought that the substitution would probably work out fine, and it certainly did. This is a really simple, flavorful recipe that seems very adaptable and would be a great way […]

  • Poached Salmon Kedgeree

    A new, tongue-tingling recipe for us tonight from Fitness Food. Kedgeree is an Indian-inspired British dish of eggs, fish, and rice — you can read a detailed history here. Apparently it’s a popular breakfast/brunch dish, but for us it made sense as yet another way to have salmon for dinner. Lisa says: That book has […]

  • Peanut Brittle: Sweet and Savory

    When I came across this recipe for “Indian Spiced Peanut Brittle” on 28 Cooks, I knew it would be a fun treat to try making for our recent housewarming party. I’d never made peanut brittle before, and assumed that it would be a pretty time-consuming affair involving standing over a hot stove with a thermometer, […]

  • Tandoori Chicken Skewers & Rice

    Tonight’s recipe came from Fitness Food, and was just delicious! Chicken marinated in yogurt and tandoori spices grilled and served with a rice made with cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, and currants. This one’s a keeper. Lisa says: This is *so* good. Chris says: Yeah, super good! I always wondered how the chicken turned that color […]

  • Aloo Palak

    This week’s CSA box included plenty of potatoes and spinach, so this dish was an obvious choice. The recipe below is modified from a few different sources online. Lisa says: This is *so* good. Chris says: It really is — I love that combo of spinach and potatoes. Lisa says: Did you mention that we’re […]