Category: Cookbooks

  • Grilled Salmon with Orzo Salad

    This recipe from Quick from Scratch Herbs & Spices Cookbook will definitely enter the rotation as an easy to make, fast weeknight dinner. Dill highlights both the salmon and the orzo salad here; this was a great combo! [donotprint] Chris says: Whoa, this is dill-icious. Lisa says: Oh no, not a pun night… Chris says: […]

  • Red Lentil & Vegetable Lasagna

    Here’s a cool twist on vegetarian lasagna: in addition to vegetables like zucchini and carrots, red lentils provide an unexpected texture and a boost in protein. The recipe comes from Fitness Food — this book continues to be a source of interesting, healthy meals. [donotprint] Chris says: I like nights that you cook. Lisa says: […]

  • Paella-Style Rice with Shrimp and Veggies

    I adapted this recipe from Fitness Food, omitting the ham and white wine (didn’t have any on hand — added more shrimp and broth), and replacing the peas with chopped green beans (ditto — use what you got, folks!). I guess you can’t really call this a true paella as it uses long-grain basmati rice […]

  • Vegetable Tian

    Another easy recipe from Barefoot in Paris — this time, a simple side dish to contribute to a recent dinner gathering. Our garden is still producing tomatoes and zucchini, and we had some veggies left over from our last CSA box, so we adapted the recipe to use those up — the only item we […]

  • Moroccan Couscous, and WHF on Android & iPhone

    Before we get to the couscous, I wanted to let Android and iPhone users know that starting today you’ll see a new, faster-loading version of this site when viewing with your mobile browser. You’ll still be able to leave comments, search, and access everything as usual, but in a more convenient, better-formatted version.  This is […]