Guest Post: Salmon Chowder
A very special guest post this evening from Lisa’s brother Chris (yes, another Chris…) and his girlfriend Jenn — a delicious Salmon Chowder from The Ultimate Soup Bible. C&J made an enormous cauldron of the chowder that fed nine or ten lucky souls over the course of two nights. I only had my point-and-shoot camera […]
Sweet Potato and Kale Enchiladas
This was another of those “let’s look for a recipe that uses the veggies in the CSA box” nights that turned out really well. The original, in Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook called for red or yukon gold potatoes, but we had sweet potatoes on hand and I thought they made a nice contrast to […]
Acorn Squash, Pear and Adzuki Soup with Sautéed Shiitakes
Tonight’s recipe (hm, we’ve been doing a lot of squash soups lately…) is from Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook. Squash, pears, onions, and peppers are cooked until tender and then partly pureed; adzuki beans are stirred in, and then it’s all topped with some sauteed shiitake mushrooms. [donotprint] Chris says: This soup reminds me that […]
Quinoa & Gruyère with Sauteed Mushrooms and Broccolini
This was the first dish we’ve made from Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking, and it didn’t disappoint. Shrooms and broccolini sauteed with red pepper flakes sit on a bed of quinoa and onions cooked in wine and mixed with a bit of gruyère cheese — sounds […]