Category: Cookbooks

  • Barley Risotto with Grapefruit and Arugula

    We’re trying to eat lighter meals now that we’re back from vacation, and this one from Super Natural Cooking seemed to be on the lighter side, yet filling. Rather than arborio rice, this risotto uses pearl barley, and get its citrusy flavor from lemon zest and grapefruit. [donotprint] Chris says: Not going to get scurvy […]

  • Guest Post: Salmon Chowder

    A very special guest post this evening from Lisa’s brother Chris (yes, another Chris…) and his girlfriend Jenn — a delicious Salmon Chowder from The Ultimate Soup Bible. C&J made an enormous cauldron of the chowder that fed nine or ten lucky souls over the course of two nights. I only had my point-and-shoot camera […]

  • Sweet Potato and Kale Enchiladas

    This was another of those “let’s look for a recipe that uses the veggies in the CSA box” nights that turned out really well. The original, in Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook called for red or yukon gold potatoes, but we had sweet potatoes on hand and I thought they made a nice contrast to […]

  • Acorn Squash, Pear and Adzuki Soup with Sautéed Shiitakes

    Tonight’s recipe (hm, we’ve been doing a lot of squash soups lately…) is from Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook. Squash, pears, onions, and peppers are cooked until tender and then partly pureed; adzuki beans are stirred in, and then it’s all topped with some sauteed shiitake mushrooms. [donotprint] Chris says: This soup reminds me that […]

  • Quinoa & Gruyère with Sauteed Mushrooms and Broccolini

    This was the first dish we’ve made from Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking, and it didn’t disappoint. Shrooms and broccolini sauteed with red pepper flakes sit on a bed of quinoa and onions cooked in wine and mixed with a bit of gruyère cheese — sounds […]