Maple Walnut Biscotti!

Lisa made these delicious treats from a recipe in the Moosewood Low-Fat Favorites cookbook. It made for a nice dessert following the swordfish.

Chris says:

What smells like pancakes in here?

Carrie says:

Yum! Were these really hard to make?

Lisa says:

No, they were easy… I just didn’t know how to cut them right.

Chris says:

I don’t care how they’re cut, they’re awesome. I’ll be taking these with me tomorrow…

Maple Walnut Biscotti
1 3/4 cup unbleached white flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet with cooking spray or a very light coating of oil.

In a large mixing bow, sift together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt.

Lightly beat the eggs and add them to the flour mixture. Stir in the maple syrup, vanilla, and walnuts, mixing just until the dough is smooth.

Using a rubber spatula and floured hands, scoop half of the dough out of the bowl and onto one side of the baking sheet. Shape the dough into a 15-inch long log. Make a second log on the other side of the baking tray with the remaining dough. Space the logs at least 6-inches apart.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the top of each biscotti log is firm. Remove them with a long spatula to a wire rack and cool for 10-15 minutes. Cut each log on a severe diagonal into about 20 1/2-inch thick slices and place them, cut side down, on the baking sheet.

Reduce the oven temperature to 325 degrees and bake for 15 minutes. Hot from the oven, the biscotti might be slightly soft in the center, but they will harden as they cool. Allow them to cool completely.

7 responses to “Maple Walnut Biscotti!”

  1. This looks delicious. You mention preheating to 350, then later reducing the heat to 350. Should the temperature actually start out higher? Thanks!

  2. Thanks Chris! I love this recipe. I have made it with spelt and wheat flour. My boyfriend trumpeted “More Biscotti!” the other day on eating the last of the second batch!

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